More Than A Walk
Sometimes it feels like the world is a scary place and then a friend, or family member, or someone you trust comes along and can make the worry go away with just a smile or a hug. Unfortunately, we can’t make cancer go away for the kids who attend Horizon Day Camp, but what we can do, and do REALLY well, is to bring smiles and laughter to their summer… every day they are at camp, that is our goal.
Because the camp is no charge to the families whose children attend, the camp is dependent on philanthropy to cover the expenses.
HorizonWALKS is our largest, annual community event to benefit the J’s Horizon programs which includes a six-week summer day camp, as well as year-round in-hospital programs and fun days for children with cancer and their families. As mentioned, all programs are free to families and are only possible thanks to the generous philanthropy of community members and partners.
On April 14th, more than 200 people from across Metro DC will come together at National Harbor to help us reach our $125,000 goal to support this magical program. But it’s much more than a walk. It’s a chance for everyone who cares so deeply to appreciate the smiles, the friendships, the connections, and the support that Horizon provides.
This year, we are thrilled to have 29 teams walking (at the time of this writing… and teams are registering every day!). Walkers include camper families, counselors, corporate partners, and community champions. Check-in and family fun activities begin at 8am and our short, mile-long walk begins at 9am.
There’s still time for YOU to join us! Visit our WALKS site to register to walk with us. Not available on the 14th? Use the same link to make your donation.
It costs $6,000 per child to provide our year-round activities. Help us bring joy to as many children battling this terrible disease as possible by helping to raise as much money as possible. We are well on our way to meeting our goal and YOU can help us get over the top!