Pozez JCC
Chai Society
Building CommUNITY. Enriching Lives
What brings you joy? This is how we begin a conversation to identify the best way to bring your dreams to life. Whether you are passionate about tikkun olam (repairing the world), building community, supporting children and families, ensuring Jewish continuity, or any number of other ways in which you hope to make an impact, we are here to be your partner on that journey.
Pozez JCC Chai Society
Philanthropic support is the cornerstone of the Pozez JCC’s ability to meet the needs of our vibrant CommUNITY. We are especially grateful for the generosity of the following individuals, agencies, corporations, and foundations for their unrestricted or programmatic support of $1,800 or more.
Anonymous (4)
Aronson Foundation
AvalonBay Communities, Inc.
BARE International
Dale and Michael Bare
LaNitra and Matthew Berger
Carol and Gary Berman
Shari Berman
Linda and Arnold Blair
Cookie Hymer Blitz and Nelson Blitz
Brendan and Amanda Boostrom
Jane and Scott Brown
Care Camps
City of Fairfax
Commonwealth of Virginia
County of Fairfax
Marcia Mofson and Jeff Dannick
Department of Homeland Security
Leonard Friedman
Jane and William Froelich
Diane Lim and William Gale
Tamir Linhart/Golden Boot Soccer
Alex Greenbaum and Neil Greenbaum
Greenspon Family Foundation
Hardesty Construction
Cynthia Hausdorff* Estate
Marilyn and Michael Hausfeld
Sophie and Howard Hoffman
Rabbis Brett and Jinny Roth Isserow
JCC Association
Leslie and Sam Kaplan
Kay and Stan Klein
Robert and Arlene Kogod Family Foundation
Sherri and Howard Kohr
Donna and Jim Konigsberg
Lesley and Paul Kravitz
Susan and William Kristol
Lisa and Daniel Kubiske
Rosalie Lesser
Majestic Limousine
Marcus Foundation
Amy and Alan Meltzer
Lisa Miller
Honey Nashman
National Harbor
Patient First
Connie and Alvin Pesachowitz
Eric Pesachowitz
Ellyn Krause-Pontell and David Pontell
Harry and Zoe Poole Foundation
Melinda Bieber and Norman Pozez
Reston Limousine
RFI Foundation
Mimi Rosenberg
Pamala and Glenn Rosenthal
Joan* and Don* Sacarob Estate
Layne Seelig
Julie Wallick and David Selden
Maureen and Robert Shapiro
Charles E. Smith Family Foundation
David Bruce Smith, Grateful American Foundation
Andrea and Joel Stillman
The Harvey S. Lowe, Jr, And Susan Hitchcock-Lowe Foundation
The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
The Joey Pizzano Memorial Fund
The Neall Family Charitable Foundation
The Norman and Ruth Rales Foundation
The Morningstar Foundation
The Washington Group Special Care Planning Team
Virginia Early Childhood Foundation
Washington Council of Governments
Karen Tovey and Ed Weiss
Judy Werbel
Deborah and David Yaffe
Rochelle Zohn
As of 3.27.24
*of Blessed Memory