Supporting Families Who Are Battling Pediatric Cancer
Partnering with Sunrise Association, Sunrise Day Camp-Greater Washington is the only camp of its kind in the area serving families who are battling pediatric cancer. Recognizing the extraordinary financial demands that a child’s chronic illness can have on a family, Sunrise Day Camps and Year-Round Programs are always provided free of charge to the families and exist ONLY through the generosity of others.

Bring Hope & Healing

Sunrise Day Camp
Summer of Sunshine

Sunrise Day Camp
Your Support Changes Lives

Create Hope. Support Sunrise.
We work towards a world where cancer will not be the defining factor in a child’s life; where children and families navigating the difficult world of pediatric cancer can find hope, love and an extra ray of sunshine; where cultural diversity is embraced and every child is celebrated for who they are and for the unique gifts they bring into the world.