Growing Jewish Families
Welcome to Your Jewish Community!
The Growing Jewish Families program cultivates community and connects families raising young children in a Jewish environment in Northern Virginia.
Highlights include:
- Programs and events for young children throughout Northern Virginia and online
- Seven J-Family Ambassadors throughout Northern Virginia to welcome your family (see below for details and to sign up)
- Ladies’ get-togethers with our Divas and Diners program and guys’ nights out
- Jewish holiday programming
- Social networking groups on Facebook and Instagram
- And more!
We are excited to work with families living in Northern Virginia. It’s important to us to learn about you and understand what your interests are so that we can provide you and your family with the best experiences possible; we welcome suggestions. Please click below to see our current schedule and fill out the form to subscribe to our twice-monthly newsletter. Look for us on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, or email us at GJF@theJ.org anytime! We look forward to meeting you!
Growing Jewish Family Programs Sign up for the GJF Newsletter
Meet Our J-Family Ambassadors
Whether delivering J-Baby bags, chatting over coffee, or joining you and your child(ren) at a play date, they are terrific new-parent neighborhood resources.
When you register, you will:
- Be invited to a coffee date with your neighborhood J-Family Ambassador;
- Receive our digital newsletter;
- Receive a complimentary J-Baby bag or J-Toddler tote filled with goodies for children 0-36 months. Note: Bag items may vary. Limit one bag per family.
Pozez JCC welcomes the participation of all members of our community including interfaith couples and families, and people of all abilities, backgrounds, gender identities, and sexual orientations. Our mission includes building an inclusive and caring community. If your or your family require special accommodations in order to participate in programming, please contact 703.323.0880 or email shalom@theJ.org.
The J-Family Ambassador’s program is wholly funded by The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and its United Jewish Endowment Fund.