Ways to Give
The Pozez JCC brings Jewish values to life.
Your Support Makes It Possible.
Dues and program fees cover less than 80% of the J’s annual operating expenses. We depend on the generous philanthropy of individuals, corporations, and foundations to ensure our financial sustainability. Thanks in great part to our members, foundations, corporate sponsors and friends, the Pozez JCC (the J) continues fulfilling its commitment to this community to provide a comfortable atmosphere rich in Jewish family traditions. We encourage you to think about the J in any of the ways listed below when making your charitable-giving plans.
For questions and to give a gift or make a donation, contact Michelle Pearlstein, Development Director, 703.537.3033.
Ways to Give
Make an Online Donation:
Make a secure gift online today with a credit card, Venmo, Google Pay, PayPal or bank transfer.
Legacy Society:
Creating a legacy empowers you to continue the work of your heart by ensuring that the evolving needs of our expanding community are met. Including the Pozez JCC in your estate plans can make an impact that endures for generations. Already including Pozez JCC in your estate plans? Contact Michelle to become part of our Legacy Society.
Chai Society:
By joining the Chai Society, members are demonstrating their understanding that the life of the J depends on our ability to financially support ourselves. The Chai Society is made up of a special group of donors who give at least $1,800 in unrestricted or programmatic support.
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund gifts are raised from members, individuals, foundations, and corporations, and help meet the Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia’s (The J) operating expenses. These important annual contributions help to fund our unique programs for all ages, financial aid/scholarships, and building and grounds maintenance. The Annual Fund helps bridge the gap between membership dues and the costs of running the J.
Make a Tribute Gift:
Make your gift in honor or memory of a person or an occasion. A special card will be sent to recognize your tribute gift.
Donate a Used Car:
Donate now and help the J accomplish its mission. Your donation is tax-deductible. Free towing wherever the car is — as is. You can download the car donation form or request one by emailing Michelle Pearlstein.
Find out if your Employer has a Matching-Gift Program:
It’s usually quick and easy. Matching Gifts occur when participating companies match (sometimes up to four times) the amount of dollars given to the Pozez JCC by their employees and spouses, or retirees. The company matches the gift only after the donor has sent his or her gift to the Center along with the company’s matching gift form. These forms can be obtained from the personnel offices of most companies. Check with your personnel office to find out what kind of gifts they match.(Sample companies that match are Microsoft and IBM.)
Give through the Combined Federal Campaign or United Way:
The J is a participant in the United Way and Combined Federal Campaign annual campaigns. When you make your United Way/CFC gift through your employer, please designate the Pozez Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia: United Way #8437 / CFC #8198.
Transfer Appreciated Assets:
Stocks or other investments that have been held for more than one year and have grown in value can provide a substantial gift to the J at a low net cost to you. The full value of your appreciated asset is tax-deductible and you can avoid paying tax on the gains.
Give Insurance/IRAs/Retirement Funds:
If you no longer need a life insurance policy, IRA or another retirement fund, consider giving it to the J. Even if you are still paying premiums on an insurance policy, it can be given to the JCC; you may take an income-tax deduction when the Pozez JCC is named owner and beneficiary. Alternately, you may choose to set up a new life insurance policy naming the Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia as beneficiary, ensuring support for the Center in the future.
Establish an Endowment Fund:
By establishing an endowment fund at the J, you will be assured that the programs and services you most care about will endure. You may name the endowment fund and designate which area of the J will benefit. Once the endowment fund reaches a minimum of $10,000, the fund will be formally established. Endowment Gifts are placed in a permanent fund that allows only a percentage of earned income to be spent. The principal is invested. The larger the endowment, the more income the J will have to support the operating budget.
Make a Bequest:
Create a legacy for your community by naming the Pozez JCC as a beneficiary in your will or insurance policy. Planned Gifts are a long-term method of supporting the J, in which a gift’s use by the Pozez JCC is postponed until a specified future date. An example of a planned gift would be naming the Pozez JCC as a beneficiary in one’s will. Other planned giving mechanisms include charitable remainder unitrusts, life insurance policies, and transfers of residence and personal property where the donor retains a life estate.
If you have the time or expertise to lend a hand for the J, your help is needed and would be much appreciated! Find more information here.