Yom Ha'Shoah
Observing Yom Ha’Shoah in Northern Virginia
Yom Ha’Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) is a memorial day for those who died in the Holocaust. “Shoah” is the Hebrew word used to refer to the Holocaust. The holiday was added to the calendar in 1959 and falls on the 27th of the Jewish month of Nissan, a date selected because it is the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (the largest act of resistance by Jews during the Holocaust). Note: The date of the holiday is moved to Sunday if the scheduled date falls on Shabbat or to Thursday if that date falls on a Friday – which interfered with the observance of Shabbat).
To clear up any confusion, Yom Ha’Shoah is observed separate from International Holocaust Remembrance Day which was created by the United Nations in 2005 and that is observed on January 27 every year. That date was chosen because it was the anniversary of the Allies liberating Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration and death camp.
Yom Ha’Shoah Resources
Observing Yom Ha'Shoah at Home
You'll find below links that provide resources for you to create your own programs and lessons that focus on the holiday of Yom Ha'Shoah.
- How should you talk to your child about the Holocaust
- How to talk to kids about the Holocaust + books to help start the conversation
- Five ways to talk to children about the Holocaust
- Yad Vashem (Holocaust Remembrance Museum - Israel) suggests observances that can be performed at home
- ReformJudaism.org provides Seven Ideas for Obsrving Yom Ha'Shoah from Home
Connecting Themes of Social Justice to Yom Ha'Shaoah
Today, anti-Semitism and hatred towards the marginalized still exists. Here are several articles to help connect the themes of the Holocaust to today's themes of social injustice.
Learn More about the Holiday of Yom Ha'Shoah
Click on the links below to learn more about the holiday that commemorates the Holocaust.
- Yom Hashoah
- JewBelong Summaries
- World Jewish Congress - What is the Holocaust?
(Gives historical background and is detailed. Not for children) - About the Holocaust and the Camps (Animation, descriptive, not for young children)