In the ECLC, a Year of Possibilities Lies Ahead
The ECLC kicked off a new school year this week after spending the prior week preparing the classrooms, attending professional developments, and getting ready to welcome the children back!
We began the staff orientation week by reflecting on the Jewish value of Kavod, which centers on respect. This theme of respect permeated our interactions during team gatherings, where we discussed the Rights of the Child, the concept of Co-Regulation, and the importance of honoring children’s boundaries. Additionally, we dedicated time to exploring one of the “100 languages” by defining mark-making and engaging in a mark-making experience using a wide variety of materials and tools. Educator teams selected a Jewish value to represent their class name, collaborated on a unique tradition to honor each child’s birthday, displayed family photographs of the children, and worked tirelessly to create rich learning environments filled with intention. In alignment with the Jewish principle of Hiddur Mitzvah, which emphasizes enhancing rituals with beauty, educator teams arranged flowers and decorated vases to use for Shabbat in their classroom.
We were so excited to open our doors and welcome families to the 2024-2025 school year on Monday! This first week of school has been busy as the children are settling into their new classrooms, getting to know their teachers and peers, learning daily routines and schedules, engaging in learning provocations, and cultivating important and foundational relationships.
Loris Malaguzzi, the founder of the Reggio Emilia philosophy, placed significant emphasis on the value of relationships within early childhood education. In this approach, relationships are seen as the foundation of the educational experience, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Malaguzzi advocated for an environment where children, educators, and families are co-constructors of knowledge, each contributing to the learning process through dialogue, mutual respect, and shared experiences. This interconnectedness not only supports cognitive development but also nurtures emotional and social growth, making relationships central to the work and learning that takes place each day within the ECLC.
We are so grateful for our ECLC community, and are looking forward to a new year brimming with possibilities!