Thurs., Feb. 6: Power has been restored, however, the J will remain closed until 6:30am on Friday, Feb. 7 for regular business hours.
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Beginner Mah Jongg Lessons – Winter (Evening)

Thursday, January 16 @ 6:30 pm 9:00 pm

Mah Jongg is a popular game of skill and luck usually played by 4 people at a time. All one needs to be a successful player is the current year National Mah Jongg League card (2024), access to a Mah Jongg set, and the willingness to learn and practice. In this course, students will take four 2.5-hour lessons for a total of 10 hours of instruction. You will learn how to read the Mah Jongg card and identify the different tiles, the rules of American Mah Jongg, and the elements of play. 2024 cards can be ordered through the instructor or the NMJL for $15. It’s time to learn Mah Jongg in the new year!

Thursdays, January 9-February 6 (4 weeks; no class Jan. 30)
Instructor: Bette Shanley

$104 4-session course
Questions? Contact:

Adult Enrichment

Shari Berman



Pozez Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia

8900 Little River Turnpike
Fairfax, VA 22031
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