Improve Your Biblical Hebrew Reading Skills
Monday, February 24 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Do you already know how to read Hebrew? Are you able to follow the prayers in Hebrew but wish you could read them more quickly and with better understanding? Want to know the rules governing pronunciation? If so, join this new JCC Hebrew Reading Skills course! The classes will help you master reading the main Hebrew prayers and…
• Learn which letters and vowels are pronounced differently in Israel or Spain vs. Germany or Lithuania.
• Distinguish prefixes and suffixes from the root word.
• Recognize words without having to read each letter.
Textbook/Materials: Prayer texts will be provided as well as available sources for individual study. Note: There is no required textbook; feel free to bring in your own Siddur.
Minimum number of students to hold class: 4; Max: 12.
Mondays, February 3–March 31 (8 weeks; no class Feb. 17)
Instructor: Karyn Selko
Karyn studied Biblical Hebrew in college and has taught beginning and intermediate Hebrew at both Congregation Olam Tikvah and Chabad of Reston-Herndon.
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